He is an amazing shopper! No matter if it is palm trees off trademe or a climbing wall. There are always new and improved activities and facilities to be sourced. And the latest purchase is no exception.

A New Rocket

The rocket is one of the most popular activities at Finaly park and it is usually approached with equal part fear and excitement. With plenty of arguing about who is going on the front seat, who will fall off first and how fast the boat actually goes, it is time. Getting geared up with life jackets and the tension just increases. The first challenge is jumping on to the rocket directly from the dock, now is not the time to be getting wet. Once everyone is settled then the engine of the boat roars. Now is the time to hang on, not that most people need a reminder. The next few minutes are full of screaming (yes even the boys) water spray and if you are unlucky, falling off. One ride is never enough.

Look out for the new rocket “The Red Shark” next time you are at camp.

New Rocket

Thanks Ian and Rollos Marine.


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