Bed Nights

People through Finlay Park

People for Easter camp

Full time staff

Beds in Main Camp

Beds in the Village

Acres of land

The Village

In 2012 Finlay Park recognized the need for a camp site that could be used for smaller groups and we started looking for a solution. After Ian made a trip to Samoa to assist in rebuilding a church he was inspired to build an area that felt like a tropical pacific island. And so the village was born. With sleeping for 56 we can accommodate smaller groups while still have room for expanding on to the field for tents and caravans if required.

The groups that use the village are always more relaxed and spend a significant amount of time just chilling on the deck.

The Village Construction

Online Training

Providing activities that Finlay Park can be proud of from an adventure and a health and safety perspective is critical to the ongoing success of Finlay Park. To assist us in supervising some activities and help manage the ever increasing costs we utilize the camps adult helpers to run a number of the activities. With the adult supervision we can have 1 staff member overseeing the following activities:

  • Hydro Slide
  • The Blob
  • The Flying Fox
  • The Swimming pools

You can log on to the training site and complete a demo course. Go to and register as a new user. Then complete the course with the course code apctxy to complete a demo course

History of Finlay Park

Staff Profiles

Aerial Photos of Finaly Park

Interactive Map of Finaly Park



eCamp 2018 Promo