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What is your child protection policy?

This FAQ is from the Holiday Programs Management Plan section 22

Child protection policy

( This section refers to our Child Safe policy document)

Finlay Park is committed to the prevention of child abuse, and the protection of children and young people in NZ. This commitment means that the interest and wellbeing of children is our prime consideration when any decision is made about suspected child abuse. Everyone at Finlay Park is committed to and has a role to play in the protection and wellbeing of children who attend the holiday program.

Finlay Park sets out to protect children at our holiday program through the following preventative measures:

  • Adult to child ratios during a holiday program. Finlay Park aims to have approximately 100 children at their program at any one time. These 100 children are supervised and cared for by 10 full time staff and approximately 20 – 30 volunteers
  • All volunteers and staff receive training and refresher training (these procedures) prior to each holiday program event
  • All staff and volunteers are police vetted every three years.
  • Finlay Park staff recruitment policy is based on the vulnerable children’s act 2014
  • Due to its Christian nature and principles Finlay Park has a zero tolerance for;
    • Alcohol
    • Non prescriptive medication and drugs
    • Pornography
    • Abusive and harmful language of an explicit nature
  • Visitors must notify prior to visitation, sign in at arrival and are accompanied during the program.
  • Where possible two volunteers will sleep in a cabin with children or no volunteers in a cabin if only one is available. In that case a volunteer is stationed either in the cabin next door or a cabin in near proximity.
  • No staff or volunteer must be out of sight alone with a child. Where private conversation must take place a suitable location in view of other people is used (such as dining hall, big gym, office with open doors and glass windows and a second adult positioned in line of sight.
  • Appropriate physical contact is encouraged (pat on shoulders, high fives, praise and reassurance)
  • Inappropriate physical contact is discouraged

a)  Disclosure

Finlay Park applies the following principles in the identification and reporting of abuse and/ or neglect;

  • Listen to the child. We listen but do not interview. Notes may be taken.
  • No one is to act alone. Anyone concerned about a child’s welfare is to raise their concern directly with senior leadership, who will take steps to protect the child.
  • No delays in raising concerns made in good faith. Leadership will immediately take the appropriate action as set out in our disclosure procedures to protect the child, record the concerns and report to the statutory agencies. Any staff member or volunteer under investigation will be required to suspend duties around child care or direct contact with children whilst the investigation occurs.
  • Avoid gossip and speculation. Concerns will be raised directly with the right person who will facilitate appropriate actions taken.
  • Take expert advice. Finlay Park will always act on the recommendations of statutory agencies such as Oranga Tamariki and the NZ police.

These principles apply regardless of whether the concerns are about a Finlay Park staff member, Volunteer, other participant or other adults at home.

b)  Allegations

Finlay Park applies the following principles in dealing with allegations against staff and/ or volunteers;

  • All allegations are taken seriously and will be investigated.
  • Stand down. The volunteer or staff member accused is stood down for a period of time, in order to ensure safety of the child, the staff member and time for an investigation.
  • Staff members and volunteers are entitled to a support person at all times
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