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What are the basic camp rules and guidelines?
This FAQ is from the Holiday Programs Management Plan section 19
Camp rules and guidelines
It is the purpose of the following rules and guidelines to create an environment where every child feels safe, valued and at home. The rules and guidelines are communicated to participants at the start of the program. This normally happens prior to the first meal. At that time key staff like the first aid officer, and the camp coordinator, are introduced to the participants.
a) Values (WHAT we expect to see in peoples behaviour toward others and oneself)
- Compassion: Willingness to help, empathise with, or show mercy to those who suffer (helping another, do the right thing, actions speak louder than words, don’t put yourself first, walk in their shoes, make their problem yours as well)
- Consideration: Willingness to be kind, thoughtful and consider the interest of others before self (Be nice to others, let other learn, make people happy when you enter a room not when you leave a room, consider how your actions affect others)
- Duty: Willingness to do what is right or what a person ought to do; obligation (do what needs to be done not because people tell you it needs to be done, just do it, do it even when no one is looking)
- Honesty and truthfulness: Willingness to not steal, cheat, lie, or be unfair (honesty is best policy, want to be trusted? Tell the truth, when someone lies someone loses, honesty first chapter in the book of wisdom)
- Kindness: Willingness to help, show concern for and be friendly to others (words are seeds not bullets, show kindness in your face, smile, and actions, be random with acts of kindness)
- Obedience: Willingness to obey rightful authority (following the rules keeps you safe, learn to trust then obey, do what you know to be right, you win or lose by what you choose)
- Respect: Willingness to treat with courtesy; to hold in high regard; to honour, to care about yourself and others (treat other as more important than yourself, respect right to be listened to,)
- Responsibility: Willingness to be answerable, to be trustworthy and accountable for your conduct and behaviour (with privilege comes responsibility, being responsible for your actions is the responsibility of everyone, whatever happens take responsibility)
b) Non- negotiable rules
- No cell phones for campers
- No stealing (including borrowing something without asking)
- No boys in girls cabins or girls in boys cabins
- No helmet no ride
- No bikes and/ or skate board in cabins
- No explicit talk (swearing or inappropriate topics like sex and pornography
- No taking matter into your own hand (getting angry, frustrated, and becoming physical)
- No name calling, bullying, or being disrespectful to other people
c) General
- If you have any problems or you need to talk to someone, please find a staff member
d) Health and safety rules
Finlay Park activity signs
- ü = no adult supervision required. This sign is displayed on the playground, the small flying fox, and parts of the confidence course (for adult supervised parts see ! mark
- ! = adult supervision required. This sign is displayed on the Blob, the Hydro Slide, and The Flying Fox, parts of the confidence course (bridge crossing, Rope Bridge and wall climb), the Black slide, the Skate Park, the Spa pool and the Pool. See the Finlay Park Adult Safety Briefing (part 2) Adults need to be trained/ assessed/ sign off. Only trained adults can instruct these activities!
- X = Instructor required. This sign is displayed on all other activities that do not fall under a or b. For example the climbing wall and high ropes.
Emergency instructions (see also the OSH emergency instruction manual)
- Fire (alarm). In case of a fire or fire alarm all Finlay park occupants are required to meet immediately at the assembly point area, the big playground on the main field
- Earth Quake. In case of an earth quake all FP occupants indoors should stay indoors until shaking stops, and exit buildings when it is safe to exit. All outdoors occupants should stay clear of buildings, trees and power lines and when possible head to the assembly area. After which all occupants are required to assemble on top of Finlay Road hill.
Water Safety
- There will be no swimming in the lake, unless it is a part of a supervised activity run by Finlay Park staff or supervising adults (for example the Hydro Slide, Rafting, etc)
- Everyone on the Lake has to wear a well-fitting life jacket for their shape and size.
- No one shall enter the pool area unless there are two supervising adults Those particular parents have to be easily distinguishable.
House Rules
- Black bins are for paper and plastic
- All bins marked food scraps or pig scraps are food only bins
- No smoking in or near buildings
- No alcohol or non-prescription drugs on site
- No shoes, food or drinks in cabins
- Please conserve water, turn off lights and keep grounds clean
- Please report accidents or incidents to your host ASAP