Thank you for booking with us!
Below you will find all the important information you need to get your group ready to come and enjoy the greatest camp in NZ.
Booking confirmation
A booking deposit will need to be made 6 weeks after the initial booking. Failing to do so might result in the loss of your booking with us. If you cancel your booking in the three month period leading up to your due date, you will lose your booking deposit.
We will send you an invoice for your booking deposit. You can pay your deposit with online banking.

Get more information about what is available
Being at camp is an amazing experience and there are so many things to plan and do as you head towards camp. But don’t worry we are here to help. Once you have you booking complete have a look at what is on offer and decide what sort of camp would best suit your group. An action packed adventure camp filled with activities, or a more chilled time at camp. Joe will email you with some questions and he can help you through the complete planning process from selecting activities, preparing a schedule, helping with catering needs and putting together an estimated cost for camp. Just let him know what you want for your camp.