dsc_2310Winter is well and truly here and although the number of camps that we have through decreases for a couple of months this is the time of year when we need to get a lot of the building maintenance complete… And then of course start planning for next spring and summer camps. And have we got some surprises in store. We will share these with you as we go through the winter and spring time but let’s just say that if you have become and expert go-kart driver and know the camber of each turn off by heart, you may have some learning to do for your next camp. We will also add to the accommodation to assist hosting smaller groups and also provide and overflow for larger groups.

We have also added a video page that showcases some of the camps that have been at Finlay Park. If you have had a camp and have a video on YouTube we would love to share it from the Finlay Park web site… let us know in the comments where it is.

Winter is also the time when we have to say goodbye to some of our staff and start looking for new staff for the next season. As always the staff are a really important part of Finlay Park and over the time that they are with us they become more like family.

And of course don’t forget to like us on Facebook