Winter is finally over and we are back into spring and a lot has been happening. Although winter is a quieter time for camps the staff always work hard to catch up on all the maintainance that needs to be done. This year, just like all the others, time has been spent  sprucing up the camp but the biggest and most exciting project has been the new toilet block. This has consumed a huge amount of staff time and resources and we think that you will really like the change. As well as all the standard things you would expect, toilets, showers and basins we have added underfloor heating for those chilly nights (and it really helps to keep the floor dry), a couple of extra showers and a dedicated disabled toilet/shower facility. We will have solar hot water to assist in keeping the showers hot over the next couple of weeks.  We have had the first kids camp and they loved how easy it was to clean the new toilet block.

During the winter we also say goodbye to our volunteers but we are more than happy to say that we have another bunch through that would love to meet you and help you with your camp.

Although Ian and the rest of the staff was a little sad to say good bye to the old boat (yes Ian has forgotten its name already) he is stoked to have a new (to camp) master craft boat to help with all the water activities. Ian smiles so much while he is driving it that he keeps getting mozzies stuck in his teeth, its a really nice look Ian.

Finlay Park is ready for another busy season and all the staff are looking forward to meeting campers returning to the camp or welcoming first time campers and making sure that everybody has a great time at Finlay Park.dsc_2289